sexy kajiras

panther strap

This week arrives the cold to May's Soul
So I designed this complete outfit for both winter and summer.
This suit has boots, raquet boots, coat, pants and different furs for you can combine to your taste.


May Tolsen

marisa free

You can be the most original girl in your clan.

This fantastic costume comes with wonderful details, including a monocle.

Furthermore, the suit has 3 cough, belt, pants and boots, all this for only 295 L


wash me!!!!!!

Beautiful set to slave.
Inspired by a slave who wants to greet their master with a bath.
In addition to the vest, this set consists of a backpack that is fun, a bathroom and I came with details of the most fun.

The bathroom has the option of bubbles.
You are original and do not miss this model for only 200 L

Beautiful set to slave.

more for outlaws!!!!!

Outfits for outlaws with more details... you can be sexy all the time!!!

Kisses *******May